Search & workflow tools
Make your insights actionable by empowering users to find content or data and give them tools to re-purpose in their work.
Help subscribers find the content & data they need
From multiple sources, users can find information in seconds with high-powered, intuitive search that delivers results to report, chapter, section and content snippet level.

Users can find your valuable insights
Enable subscribers to find the most useful content. With clear content display and filters users can gain key insights without leaving the platform.

In-line tools to support workflow
Customers can utilise a wide range of in-line tools and can quickly re-use the content in their own workflow.

Compile & Export
Users can compile bespoke reports from licenced content, share with colleagues, and export to multiple formats.

Encourage your subscribers to engage with data
Give users the numbers behind the exhibit to use in their own models.
Download table and chart data to Excel.

Help users interrogate the data
Allow users to create their own exhibits from the data, directly in the platform.